Scary Times Ahead

So… Yeah. I totally haven’t neglected this blog for the millionth time.

It’s been  a turbulent year since I last posted. I’ve done my last shift at Dovedale House last summer – although with family circumstances among the management that may change over Easter if they need an extra pair of hands.

I have LEFT the deathtrap old house, and found probably the highest quality student accommodation in the world. And promptly set the cooker on fire. Ages ago I posted on here that I cooked burgers and nobody died. This time, I cooked burgers and had to call the fire brigade. For the record, the grill was already falling apart and was responsible for its own demise. The burgers/fat under the grill merely provided the opportunity that it grabbed with both… er… doors.

Talking of the old deathtrap, I am STILL waiting for compensation for being left unconscious at the foot of the stairs, covered in ceiling that wanted to be floor. I’m going to have to take this one through the courts, it seems. Pity.

I have new idiot housemates now. These are mostly addicted to weed, the smoke from which seems determined to come into my room through the air vents. I close those, the wall goes mouldy REALLY fast. Damned if I do, damned if I don’t. Also, housemates seem unaware that being loud enough that I can hear them over my earphones at full volume at 2am has got to count as anti-social behaviour…

Luckily for them I came across an old article – – that has diverted my anger away from them. As a writer who is really anal [stop giggling at the back!] about spelling and grammar this just strikes me as a dangerous step onto a slippery slope.

Beat that for overuse of cliche. Had to abstain for 76 000 words in my novel, it feels good to use it again. In fact, I’m over the moon. Unlike the sun, which in a few hours will be under it. Well, behind.

Why I stopped writing a regular comedy feature is beyond me…

Right. Now to go looking for new photos for this blog. Clouds and stalagmites/stalactites are SO 2013. Literally.

Tufty 🙂 xXx

PS I forgot the point of the title. MA is ending in a few months [yeah I’ll be a Master of something, NOBODY will take that seriously!] and I have to enter the ‘real world’. I’ve emailed a literary agent… Fingers crossed for a positive answer!

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