Bank Holiday Blues

Well, it’s been a hell of a weekend.

Friday morning we were woken by a lot of crashing and shouting from upstairs. I went up to ask them to keep the noise down and was told – well, shouted at – to either get off their doorstep or be beaten up. I took the first option, got downstairs and called the police for threatening behaviour. For those of you who think that may have been an overreaction, I was in two minds about it but I live with a vulnerable adult so I err on the side of caution. While on the phone, we then heard him yelling to his partner that he’d come downstairs and find me. With the door duly locked we waited for the police, who took 15 minutes to arrive and a further 10 to be let into the flat. They then left, at which point he came downstairs and started hurling abuse into the flat and banging on the door shouting that he wouldn’t leave until we went out and saw him. Police returned. We were then treated to a load of heavy bass which has previously shattered some of our light bulbs and has now started bringing plaster down. We went out for the day.

Coming back in the evening, the police were just leaving as we got in. No idea what brought them out a third time, but anyway. We then had the most blissfully quiet weekend since moving in, until we were subjected to more loud music this morning. Both of us went upstairs this time – at least then if one of us was attacked there was a witness and someone to help. We were ranted at for a good five minutes that we were causing HIM problems by calling the police, and that apparently armed police had been involved at least once. Given we saw the first two times anyone went upstairs and there were no guns then, we can only assume that came from the third visit. Given the vulnerable nature of my flatmate, we are waiting on confirmation of this claim from the police and, if possible, an explanation.

In the meantime, we have now got 3 chains on the door where we previously had one to ensure maximum feelings of safety. After the weekend we’ve just had though I’m not convinced it’s working.


*Blows dust from website*

Again, it’s been a year since I blogged at all. I need to get back in the habit, for cathartic reasons if nothing else. Pretty much my only purpose these days.

Nearly 2 years ago now I had my second round of leg surgery. now, 20 months later, I still haven’t recovered. I was told to wait a fortnight before fully weightbearing, which I duly did. And for a month or two, that was going well. I had physio post-op which I wasn’t given last time. Saw that through to the end, although I had to cancel the odd appointment a couple of months in as the surgical scar, a good – if not straight – five inches, split open a few times. For a while that stopped, although it caused a few problems getting to my lectures during my [now completed] MA. Come summer 2015, I agreed to move in with Char as her carer. There’s no pay, she’s not always the easiest to look after, but all the same it was the right thing to do. I planned to get a job doing 9-5 or similar. Went to a few interviews, was universally rejected, until I tried Lidl. Bless them, they were happy to take me on with no previous retail experience, but less so when my scar picked that moment to bleed over their shop floor.

First, let me point out that since UK law forbids discrimination on the grounds of disability, that’s not quite the logic they used to deny me a job. What they pointed out is that it comes down to a matter of Health and Safety, both given someone could slip if a repeat occurred and the obvious risk of things being contaminated by blood. Fair enough. I head to the Job Centre, figuring they must have something I can do, only to be told those rules carry across the board and I need to apply for benefits. OK, not what I’d planned, but it would enable me to be a full-time carer AND not over-stress the legs as they got worse. More on benefits later.

Starting in summer last year, prior to the Welsh job hunt, I did a bit of work in my mum’s pub on the Norfolk coast. I basically worked Sunday night and Monday lunchtime, on the basis that any more than that and my legs would end up in a lot of pain with vastly increased chances of the scar bleeding. Even then I found myself unable to walk most Tuesdays and into Wednesday at times as well, so I returned to the crutches I hoped I’d never need again.

Crutches, of course, are great things to rock up to job interviews on. Well, they’re something to lean on, at least. They don’t impress the interviewer, but as I said above they can’t legally judge a candidate on that basis.

So, no longer being allowed to look for work, I apply for PIP as instructed. A pair of assessors come over, listen to me telling them about my disability, make a load of notes, do a few tests on my standing ability, that kind of thing. Barely able to stand at this point, I figure it’s just a matter of time. In due course a letter comes through: I’m not disabled in any capacity and should look for work.


So I phone them up, protest half the details on the letter and ask them to re-examine the case. In due course, through the door comes another letter – nearly identical to the first, citing the first as the superior source of information. So I send off an appeal for assessment by tribunal. I send THREE PAGES of corrections against the two previous assessments, including details of various falls in shops and on NHS property, all of which shouldn’t happen if my medical records are to be believed – “No danger of falling”, according to the DWP. Even better, this second letter says I’ve been discharged by the surgeon. Last I heard he was so concerned about the fact my scar can no longer stay knitted together for 24 hours, and I can no longer feel my foot after a steroid injection that failed to deal with the excruciating pain in my ankle, that he was trying to get a second opinion. So I’m now waiting on the NHS to explain why the hell I’ve been discharged without my knowledge, why the DWP know more about that than I do and what the NHS plans to do to get me un-bedridden as I pretty much now am. Aside from a 2 hour bath every other day to minimise tension in my calves and tendons, after which I have a small pain-free window of maybe half an hour or so, I’m housebound, hobbling everywhere on crutches and totally financially reliant on the girl who I am meant to be looking after.

Oh, and while the NHS should get back to me within the next 9 days, I have to wait up to SIX MONTHS for my PIP reassessment. SIX MONTHS. I’m damn lucky I’m not living alone, because I’d have starved to death by now.

Scary Times Ahead

So… Yeah. I totally haven’t neglected this blog for the millionth time.

It’s been  a turbulent year since I last posted. I’ve done my last shift at Dovedale House last summer – although with family circumstances among the management that may change over Easter if they need an extra pair of hands.

I have LEFT the deathtrap old house, and found probably the highest quality student accommodation in the world. And promptly set the cooker on fire. Ages ago I posted on here that I cooked burgers and nobody died. This time, I cooked burgers and had to call the fire brigade. For the record, the grill was already falling apart and was responsible for its own demise. The burgers/fat under the grill merely provided the opportunity that it grabbed with both… er… doors.

Talking of the old deathtrap, I am STILL waiting for compensation for being left unconscious at the foot of the stairs, covered in ceiling that wanted to be floor. I’m going to have to take this one through the courts, it seems. Pity.

I have new idiot housemates now. These are mostly addicted to weed, the smoke from which seems determined to come into my room through the air vents. I close those, the wall goes mouldy REALLY fast. Damned if I do, damned if I don’t. Also, housemates seem unaware that being loud enough that I can hear them over my earphones at full volume at 2am has got to count as anti-social behaviour…

Luckily for them I came across an old article – – that has diverted my anger away from them. As a writer who is really anal [stop giggling at the back!] about spelling and grammar this just strikes me as a dangerous step onto a slippery slope.

Beat that for overuse of cliche. Had to abstain for 76 000 words in my novel, it feels good to use it again. In fact, I’m over the moon. Unlike the sun, which in a few hours will be under it. Well, behind.

Why I stopped writing a regular comedy feature is beyond me…

Right. Now to go looking for new photos for this blog. Clouds and stalagmites/stalactites are SO 2013. Literally.

Tufty 🙂 xXx

PS I forgot the point of the title. MA is ending in a few months [yeah I’ll be a Master of something, NOBODY will take that seriously!] and I have to enter the ‘real world’. I’ve emailed a literary agent… Fingers crossed for a positive answer!

Take 3

Yes this has been quiet for a tiny bit longer than I meant it to be. Shush, nobody needs to know.

I’ve come back to this as I’m turning now to my final undergraduate year now – not sure if it will be my absolute  last year at Bangor University, and I’m almost certain it won’t be my last year in Bangor, but it’s my last year as an undergraduate student.

Naturally I came back with a mixture of excitement and terror – both of which vanished quickly when I discovered that my room, which had apparently been cleaned in my absence, had gone completely mouldy. I had to replace a bedsheet and send a few things home to be dry-cleaned when they really shouldn’t have needed it.

Also, the oven that was fixed less than a year ago and which is less than 2 years old has pretty much died again. Everyone keeps blaming the thermostat but I’m certain the problem goes deeper than that. I can get round it for now but it makes cooking into less of an art form and more of a guessing game. Which can be fun, until I end up with yet another bout of food poisoning from the stupid thing.

Talking of me, I’m now finally awaiting an appointment with the consultant about my club foot! Only taken 20 years… Although they are all still focusing on the right foot when the left one is getting much worse very quickly. I managed to overstretch a blood vessel in it the other day which I didn’t even know was a thing that could happen, but a trip to A&E confirmed I don’t know much about the body. They couldn’t do anything to bring my appointment forward, however, because I am now ‘in the system’. Great…

I might head up to the hospital on Monday actually, the physio team wanted me to book in as soon as I got back to Bangor but with me already on the consultant’s waiting list this became a less pressing thing. I need the left foot looking at though, ASAP.

On an aside with my legs, the old bullet wound is playing up constantly, making walking on the right leg near impossible as well. It seems my body is turning on me every way it can. Couple that pain with various scars flaring up in response to newly-intensifying flashbacks as well and I’m a bit of a mess right now!

Back to university though, and I’ve got my busiest year ahead of me in more ways than one. Yes this is my final undergrad year, dissertation and all that, but it’s also the year I take up one committee position – treasurer for the creative writing magazine – and co-head up a subsection of another society – the English & Drama society’s writing group. At least those roles mean I can sit down and rest my legs…

Right, I need to tidy my room. Which will be done mostly on my hands and knees thanks to these stupid feet. Later guys

Tufty 🙂 xXx

Castration Mops

Well this is a little late… Sorry!

So yeah. Weekends. Worked my last one of the year – unless I work at HMV on the run-up to Christmas, I guess.

Anyway, it was an interesting one. Kathryn had a funeral to go to on the Friday so I was left with Dan and one of the other women. Once the latter had gone home, I started mopping the floor. That’s all that needed doing, Dan was just messing about wasting time. He then proceeded to walk over my mopped floor FOUR TIMES. I discovered mop handles are not capable of castrating idiots.

Talking of idiots, come Sunday morning Dan and Kathryn were both in the kitchen with me when Dan decided to use a funeral he went to years ago as part of an anecdote that had nothing to do with funerals and he thought was funny. I had to pull him aside once Kathryn was no longer within earshot and have a go at him. He apologised, but couldn’t stop smirking. The mop’s function, sadly, hadn’t changed.

I therefore propose we invent Castration Mops for idiots like that. Would certainly shut them up for a bit. Might need to do something about the sudden mess though. Still, it’s a work in progress…

Other than that not much to report really… Home aloneness is about to end so that’s sad but I was running out of food so meh.


Tufty 🙂 xXx


Something I seem to have done a lot of over the last couple of days.

Yesterday I went into town to get cash and some Lego and K’Nex [long story] but failed to pick up either. So I then had over an hour’s walk home without anything I’d gone in for bar the money. Woo. And it was BOILING. And I had to negotiate tourists because I had to cut through Dovedale to get a drink to survive the last bit of the walk home.

I was then planning to head up to Second Mummy’s house for the evening, when I bumped into her outside MY house. So I got a lift up. On the way back down I walked past a field and was confused by blood flowing out of it. Turns out there was a dead lamb the other side of the wall. I went up to the farmhouse (ten minute walk from the road!) to tell them,  only to find they weren’t in. So I had to cut across a couple of fields I didn’t know properly to get home, then down the steepest side of the hill behind the house. It hurt.

OK I think that’s about it actually… feels like more than that though :/


Tufty 🙂 xXx

Slight Oversight…

…For once, not mine.

It turns out we have someone regularly coming into the village who the police were rather interested in, more so since it was a school that was concerned about him. They reacted immediately and sorted out a contact link with both the school and the Youth Hostel – somehow coming to the conclusion that the other business in the village catering for mainly children wasn’t even worth telling about the potential thread.

After taking 2 hours to find something half an hour’s drive from their station after an assault a couple of years back and then having barely any presence here when they could be excellent deterrents, I can safely say I’m rapidly losing faith in Staffordshire Police. It says a lot that West Midlands Police come slightly across the border to check on things in their absence…

Not much else to say tonight other than this: I COOKED BURGERS ON MY OWN AND NOBODY DIED 😀


Tufty 🙂 xXx

The kitchen – my second home.

Wow, work was long tonight.

We’ve only got 20 people in, but where we took 2 hours to feed and tidy up after 30, this lot were a little more high maintenance. Plus the boss abandoned me to clear up on my own so she could show new staff around. I somehow managed to keep the concrete from getting wetter, and pretty much got everything done that I should. Just realised I may have forgotten to make someone’s lunch for tomorrow though. Oops.

Anyway, that aside I may have gained a 4-track recording desk today, as well as a prop for the drama society. Plus my 3 1/2 hours pay well, so today was a success.

Not much else to say really, other than my argument with ignorant EDL supporters is still ongoing. Still, gotta keep bouncing along…


Tufty 🙂 xXx

…You will be first against the wall.

Again, Paranoid Android.A reference that only a couple of people will get – Char, you know very well who I’d put first AND second against the wall after this week. Laura, there’s another first there as you well know. Everyone else, I’m saying nothing because it’s still not my place to say.

Not sure what else I can say really, Char made me blog tonight and there’s nothing I can really say. I’m re-watching Doctor Who right from the resurrection of the series to as far as I can go (CHAR I NEED MY DVDS 😛 ) to find out anything and everything I can about the Time War. Trying to second-guess Moffat is fun at the best of times.

Erm… yeah that’s it. No blog tomorrow cos no work, so Friday it is. Will only tag Char and Laura directly this time cos it’s barely worth reading :/


Tufty 🙂 xXx

“Help, help, there’s fire everywhere!”

Ok, slight exaggeration. Well, massive one.

Basically, I burnt my thumb in work today. Boss insisted I need to learn to cook burgers properly. I tried opening the oven and caught my thumb on the (metal) door. I can tell you now: it stings. And if you try washing up, it stings more. That said, hold it against a choc-ice. It stings less.

Right, other news. Erm… anyone?

OK since my life is boring as hell at the moment and nothing has happened in it apart from the burnt knuckle, I’ll take this opportunity to say something: ANYONE who wants to hurt, upset or scare someone I love will have me to answer to. I won’t stand by and see those I care about in tears or having their self-esteem shattered because you felt like bullying them, or using them to get to their families.

I won’t say any more because neither is my place to explain and both people in question deserve their privacy, but they’ll know exactly who and what I mean.

Oh, and just to make one of them smile I’ll say this: It takes real strength to ‘bounce’ back when you’re constantly down.

Tufty 🙂 xXx