Castration Mops

Well this is a little late… Sorry!

So yeah. Weekends. Worked my last one of the year – unless I work at HMV on the run-up to Christmas, I guess.

Anyway, it was an interesting one. Kathryn had a funeral to go to on the Friday so I was left with Dan and one of the other women. Once the latter had gone home, I started mopping the floor. That’s all that needed doing, Dan was just messing about wasting time. He then proceeded to walk over my mopped floor FOUR TIMES. I discovered mop handles are not capable of castrating idiots.

Talking of idiots, come Sunday morning Dan and Kathryn were both in the kitchen with me when Dan decided to use a funeral he went to years ago as part of an anecdote that had nothing to do with funerals and he thought was funny. I had to pull him aside once Kathryn was no longer within earshot and have a go at him. He apologised, but couldn’t stop smirking. The mop’s function, sadly, hadn’t changed.

I therefore propose we invent Castration Mops for idiots like that. Would certainly shut them up for a bit. Might need to do something about the sudden mess though. Still, it’s a work in progress…

Other than that not much to report really… Home aloneness is about to end so that’s sad but I was running out of food so meh.


Tufty 🙂 xXx

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